WSE and WSME Welding Machines

You may have come across the terms WSE and WSME while browsing TIG welding machine catalogues, especially from China.

It took me a while to find out what these acronyms meant.

WSE machines are dual TIG/MMA with DC and AC welding capabilities

WSME has everything a WSE does with added pulse welding capability.

The acronym is often accompanied by a number, which indicates the machine’s rated current capacity in Amperes.

E.g. WSME-250 is a 250 amp rated TIG, MMA, pulse capable machine with AC and DC modes.

Here’s an example rating illustration from a RIMAC welding machine manual:

WSME machines have more controls available on the dashboard and are usually a bit intimidating for beginners.

WSE machines suffice for most hobbysts and professionals but prices for the more complete models are quickly falling, so it may be worth the extra bucks if you’d like to experiment with the pulse capabilities of WSME’s.